Roulette System: Online Casinos

“Looking at the chaos of roulette is like looking into a raging river full of unpredictably swirling eddies, and wild waves.” Then suddenly, in one portion of the river, you see a familiar swirling current and you can predict the direction of the water for the next five to ten second Online casino malaysia.

Chaos is everywhere. You are here because of a series of events that occurred at the right time. Everything is predictable. Everything is deterministic. What you do next depends on what you did previously. The roulette wheel does not work randomly. It’s chaotic! The past spins will determine the future spins. These patterns can be found. They are yours to discover. They are there to be exploited. It is possible to create order from chaos. Be a consistent winner when you leave the Casino.

FAST Roulette is based upon the simple truth that even chaotic numbers can have predictable patterns that are completely random. R. Lucassen has demonstrated that long enough sequences of chaotic number can create fractals. These complex patterns are common in nature. I will be using examples to illustrate.

European Roulette has a 1 in 37 chance of any number being drawn. However, after 37 spins, many numbers will be repeated and some numbers won’t appear at all. In fact, at most, eight numbers will have appeared before the number of numbers has appeared at least once. Amazingly, it doesn’t matter where you start tracking numbers, nor if it is American or European roulette. This is an extremely bold statement. I urge you to test it at any online casino before you continue reading.

All the happenings at any given moment. They didn’t just happen. It took many events to make that happen. Many things had to occur before they could happen. Every little event can cause a series or chain reactions that lead to many more events, which in turn produce other events. The wheel spins at a given speed. The ball of roulette is dropped at a certain point. The ball stops at a certain number. This is the starting point for each spin. This pattern is repeated over and over again. This sequence of events always favors a single number in the short term. This is the number we need to exploit. If the roulette wheel truly was random, then there would be no way to beat it using any other device that did not affect its outcome. But it was.

You can reduce the chance of hitting a particular number by knowing that it will be out eight times before any other numbers. Roulette pays 35x the amount of your original bet. This will allow you to generate consistent profits.

Yet, why is a number 8 times more common than all other numbers? The same reason why it takes so long to wet the whole pavement when it begins to drizzle is also the reason. Although they seem to be falling randomly, the drops tend to hit the same spot than on dry ground. You’ll notice that it takes longer to soak the ground than you might expect. Chaos Theory in action. Similar results are obtained when you apply Chaos Theory to Roulette. Most numbers will be repeated 8 times (rain hitting the same spot) before any other numbers appear (whole ground getting watered). Each spin is determined in part by the sequence of events that occur within it.

If you watch about 125 spins of Roulette, you’ll see that the distribution is not as you would expect. This is because 1/37 of all numbers will come up. Because all numbers are equally likely to come up, you’d expect that after about125 spins, all numbers would have come back about equal or at most, all numbers would have come back at least once. But this is clearly not true. It is not true that the roulette wheel favors one number. You’ll notice that every day, I won on a different number at a table. You will also notice that all numbers come out almost equally after thousands upon thousands of spins, real or computer-generated. But not in the short-run, and this is exactly what the FAST Roulette System does. Why not in a short run? Simply because of the greater impact that recent events have on near-future events.

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